When you’re living a vegan lifestyle, it's important to keep your food fresh for as…
Full of Beans New Year’s Greetings!
Here we are at the beginning of another year. We approach the coming year as fresh and new and full of potential. Appropriately, that means we have plans for the coming months that we want to share with you. But, before we do that, we’d like to briefly look back at 2016 (more on those plans below).
Thank You!
First, and most important, we say a big “thank you” to all of you who have visited this website, made comments on posts, and subscribed to our email newsletter. You’re our audience and you make it all possible and worth it. Thank you so much – we love all of you and we hope to continue to help you in the future.
Our Five Most Popular Posts for 2016
Next, we’d like to share with you the five posts that were the most popular in the past year. Just in case you missed one of them, consider checking them out.
#5 Nacho Cheese Sauce
#4 Veggie Enchiladas
#3 Better Than Tuna
#2 Vegan and Gluten-free Lasagna
and the top post for 2016 was The Best Vegan Chili Ever!
Highlights of the Last Year
2016 was a year of change, growth, and new experiences for us both. Greg left his corporate job and returned to full-time freelancing. Our son entered a masters degree program and started to lay the groundwork for his adult life and our daughter started her last year of college.
It was also a time when we renewed our focus to this blog and spent a lot more time posting and thinking of new things to share. It has been wonderful getting comments from people who have made our recipes and whose lives we’ve touched, even in a small way, with what we share here at Full of beans.
Excited about The Year Ahead – Bring on 2017!
Now, looking forward to 2017, we are excited about the potential and exciting things that are ahead of us.
On a personal level, this will certainly be a year of change for us. Both our children will have finished their schooling and, we hope, be on the way to lives of their own. At a point where we can turn our attention fully to what is best for us, we are working on downsizing and a relocation. A year from now you may find us in a completely different home and location. Stay tuned for that!
These are our 2017 goals and plans for Full of Beans:
- More posts, of course! Recipes, reviews, and wellness articles like we have been doing
- An e-book, or two, in the works that we plan on releasing this year.
- Lifestyle content. We want to expand the lifestyle component of Full of Beans into possibly coaching, meal plans, and other posts and materials to help people get started on a vegan lifestyle.
- Profiles and interviews. Part of making the transition, and the lifestyle, successful is learning from, and being inspired by, other vegans. Our plan is to share this through a series of profiles and interviews.
For 2017 our overall goal is to greatly expand our reach, and connection, to people in order to help them to consider a lifestyle of compassion and wellness. As we have said elsewhere, and in conversations often, this lifestyle has three strong foundations: wellness, environmental conservation, animal rights and ethics. Any one of those elements is a perfectly good reason to choose being vegan. We hope to address all of those issues as we continue with Full of Beans.
Let’s Make 2017 the Year of Compassion
We are going to work to make 2017 a year of better health and wellness, greater awareness, and more compassion. Please join us by returning to this blog, following us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, and please sign up for our emails so we can stay in touch with you.
Peace, Greg & Georgia
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