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4 Signs Your Bananas are Ripe

pile of bananas

Bananas are fantastic. Full of nutrition, fiber, sweetness, easy to eat, and so versatile. But they must be ripe, since fully ripe bananas have important cancer fighting properties and are much easier to digest. So, how do you know?

  1. No green at all (too starchy when green and they cause bloating, gas, and constipation)
  2. Spots!! (yummy sweetness has arrived)
  3. Peels easily
  4. Taste is sweet and creamy

Tips: buy bananas with your consumption in mind. If there are some at the store that are ripe, get them and eat in a day or two. But also get the ones that have a little green because they will be ready when you are done with the others.
If you find yourself in the situation where you have so many ripe bananas that you can’t keep up, just peel them, and place them in a large Ziploc freezer bag. Pop them into your freezer – now you have frozen bananas ready for smoothies or making ice cream.

not quite ripe bananas
They look pretty, but they aren’t quite ripe, yet.
Nice ripe bananas - eat them now!
These are perfect! Let’s eat!

Husband and wife, father and mother, working adults – Greg and Georgia formed Full of Beans to share encouragement, inspiration, and tips to get you started on, and maintain, a plant-based vegan diet (even if you think you don't have the time/money/skills/energy). See the About page for more.

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